Registered Valuer under CA, 2013


Registered valuers are empowered under Section 247 of the Act that specifies that any valuation requirements under the Act shall be fulfilled by a person having the prescribed qualifications and experience and is registered as a valuer. Rule (2)(1 (f) of the Companies Registered Valuers and Valuation Rules 2017 define registered valuer as a valuer registered with the Registration authority for carrying out valuation of assets belonging to a class or classes of assets. Namely, (i) Land and Building; (ii) Plant and Machinery (iii) Securities and Financial Assets

Rule (2)(1 (g) defines the registration authority as the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India.

Last date for rendering valuation services without a certificate was 31st January, 2019. If a valuation assignment has been accepted before 31st January 2019, it can be completed up to 30th April 2019. From 1st February 2019, Valuation has to be carried out by a registered valuer.